stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Friday, July 29, 2005

Tasty, and not so much...

I've noticed lately that times have changed (no really, eh?! D U H!)

The first instance that made me more aware of this was during the ride up to Wasaga with Kev over the Canada Day long weekend. We stopped off at a convenience store in Newmarket (somewhere near the Upper Canada Mall where he bought his OAKLEY'S!! - wheeee!), as we were both craving for some junk/snack foods for the trip. We decided on Hagen Daz coffee ice cream bars, Humpty Dumpty onion rings, and a 5-pack of Schneider's Hot Rods. So, regarding the latter..........I remember how I used to eat these ALL THE TIME when Joe and I were younger. They were just so incredibly tasty, seemingly. Anyway, so Kev apparently really loved them as well. as we bit into them, a not-so-pleasant expression appeared on both our faces, and we BOTH knew that it tasted so similar to dog food. Okay, mind you, I haven't actually eaten like dog food before, so I can't truthfully say that. However, it's like how people say that something "tastes like ass". I mean, has anyone truly tasted ass before?! (I don't really want to know, by the way....). These "tasty" treats used to be one of my favourite things to chew on in the basement before dinner. You bite into these chewy sticks and the grease just oozes out from the pockets. Now they simply remind me of nothing but dog food. It was SO gross.

The second food item is not disgusting at all. It was all. I remember how Karen and I used to walk over to Loblaws after dinner just to buy a frozen Sarah Lee pound cake and pick out at it as we sat at the benches. A while back, Kev and I bought one and figured we'd have some tasty desserts made with it. You know, fruit purée on the side, or chocolate sauce...or fruits on the side....or ICE CREAM! Anyway, it was tasty, yes, but definitely not as I remembered it to be. *sigh* I bet you my taste buds are dying out slowly.

On the UP SIDE, there are MANY things that have become SO MUCH MORE TASTY over the years. Meat and potatoes are definitely at the top of my list. Yes, I love my beef and I love my lamb. The funny thing is that, when I was a kid, I didn't like meat NEARLY as much as I loved my veggies. I loved Chinese brocolli and regular brocolli. Anything with crunch. I loved spinach too. There's also this Asian vegetable called "sahn choy"...which literally translates into "slime vegetable". It sounds gross, but it's good. Some of you will know what it is. I didn't like potatoes all too much either. I didn't find them to be all that special or anything.

You look at me now though (fat and all), and holy cow! I can eat so much beef and lamb because it's just AWESOME, and I absolutely loved mashed potatoes to death. I think Kevin's way still tastes the best. Swiss Chalet's is not bad. Montana's and Elephant & Castle's are both NASTIFIED! They are so bland and have no taste! Mashed potatoes are awesome when you taste the creaminess, with some saltiness to it, and it's just sooo smooth and rich. Rich gravy on top is an added bonus! Roasted garlic mashed in is even better. Omg, now I really want some mashed potatoes..........

Anyway, this was just some stuff that I thought about between dozing during this morning's commute.

Oh wait, there's also chocolate. I never used to crave chocolate. I always preferred salty snacks any day over sweet stuff. However, nowadays, I definitely could go for a chocolate shake or chocolate cake or chocolate sauce on my crèpe, etc. mMmmm! *drools*

Yea, I'm a pig................

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It keeps me awake...

Oh man, I'm totally falling asleep right now and it's 3:45 p.m. I need to wake up or I'm totally not going to last until 5:00 p.m.

I'll blog about the past week's happenings. On Wednesday evening (20th of July) we were supposed to go play badminton. Once again Tait was booked. Big surprise. Kev and I ended up going to First Markham's Cineplex and watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith. We were supposed to have dinner at Kelsey's after that but Kev was tired so we just headed home instead.

The week didn't involve a lot of work because conversion was still taking place, hence no computers for use. With no computers means no work....meaning hours dwindling. That's going to hurt the paycheque quite a bit. Anyway, Agnes arrived and we went out to dim sum at Bamboo de Chine with her, Uncle Peter, Cecilia the watermelon boy, the shrimp, and my grandparents. Brian came over in the afternoon with Emily for a bit, and David showed up afterwards. Emily eventually left for work for 4:00 p.m. Brian, David, Joe and I spent the afternoon playing poker. I came in second. We didn't play for real money though, thank goodness. I don't want to lose money over something stupid like gambling. I'd rather buy ice cream or milk tea with it! I was supposed to go have dinner with my family, but there weren't enough seats in the car with Agnes and David present. Once again I had to deal with it and stay home to starve. Mom offered to bring food home for me, but after dinner Joe and I were supposed to go over to chill at my grandparents' by the time I got home to eat it would've been midnight. I figured that I would've fainted from hunger by then so I declined. Instead, Zin finally convinced me to go get food elsewhere. He came to pick me up and we headed to Pizza Hut so I could get a small Canadian for take-out. We ate at Skymark Park and just hung out for a bit before heading over my grandparents' condo. Just as we arrived at the complex, Joe called and arrived with David. Perfect timing! We headed upstairs to pick up the keys and equipment, then headed downstairs to the ping pong room. We played for a bit, and I managed to smack the ball into Zin's eye.....(I'm sorry!!). We went for a walk to grab Brian from the plaza afterwards. We shot pool for a bit as well before leaving around 11. I didn't get much sleep that night because I was on the phone until 3 a.m. or so. So sleepy.

My mom went out to brunch with Agnes on Friday (the 22nd) and actually brought food home for me too! I ate that, got ready, and headed out the door towards the house. I watched Family Guy with Brian for a bit before he left for the temple. Zin came home from work and we headed to Reptilia for crickets, as well as Big Al's to pick up my fish tank's fluorescent light! Pressed for time yet again, we threw together some fried rice and cooked up some zucchinis.

On Saturday I went for MORE dim sum at Jade Dynasty with family. I got dropped back home and Kev picked me up before we headed to Fairview to shop for birthday presents. We roamed a bit before hitting up Peanut Plaza's Payless. We ended up having to go to Don Mills Centre's Payless = FAR! Next we hit up Canadian Tire to pick up my BBQ, new dishes for his house, etc. Dinner was rushed yet again (busy day!!!!) so we had some dumplings before I headed home.

I went to mass with family for 10:30 p.m. I headed home after that to shower and get ready for softball. Grace and Sopheak came to pick me up around 12:30. We popped into the Dominion at Kennedy & 401 to pick up some pizza and whatnot. The Paladins beat the Lions! Unfortunately, during this game, I killed my left shoulder, knee, and elbow. My knee is ripped up pretty badly - I'm missing a chunk. My elbow is scabbing up but still somewhat painful. My shoulder can't lift beyond a certain level, nor can it rotate without pain. I really should get it checked out. Kev came to pick me up with Alex after that and dropped me home. I took a very painful shower and got ready for the big dinner. Anne and Angela picked me up at 6:15 p.m. and we grabbed Joyce before parking at Y ork Mills Station. We subwayed down to Marcel's Bistro on King St. W to enjoy a Summerlicious dinner for Anne & Michelle's 20th Birthdays! Mish and I headed out for bubbletea with Kevin after dinner and just chilled for a bit.

On Monday the 25th, the Steve guy from the renovations place was supposed to come do re-measurements between 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. He FINALLY showed up at 2:00 a.m. when we were just about to leave and not wait for him any longer. I talked to him briefly about changing the colours of the troughs, etc., before we headed out to Market Village to have dim sum with Dan and Loretta. Next we went to the gaming store so that Joe could chip his PS2. We finally head back to Dan's place so that Agnes could visit. He raced us back to our house so that we could swing by my grandparents' place for Agnes to visit as well. Finally we headed up to Highway 7 for another family dinner. The food was tasty! There was a fried chicken (Asian style) with fried garlic! Then there was fried spicy garlic softshell crab with fried egg tofu.

On Tuesday Zin picked me up around 12:40 and we headed up to NFS. We cooked up some eggs, bacon, and toast up at the house before heading back down to the shop for a tour. I watched him work for the rest of the day, and got to drive a GT 235 (I thiiiiink that's what it's called?!), as well as his car (again!). We drove down to the cornfield as well to check it out. Back up to the house we went for dinner - penne and sauce - with Karl and Barb. Shortly after that we drove back to the house and watched Family Guy for the rest of the night. Hahah...I love Family Guy DVD's!!

Today, I woke up at 6 for work. I didn't get to shower because my dad went in at the same time again! ARGH! I managed to wash out my wound and change my dressing. Hobbling to work isn't really that much fun. It's hard to walk up any stairs. I drank a hot chocolate from Second Cup with a touch of whipped cream because I'd been wanting a chocolate beverage since yesterday (a chocolate shake sounds tempting right about now). For lunch I had a quarter chicken dinner with mashed potatoes from Swiss Chalet. I think it's making me sleepy. I'm kidding. I'm sleepy cuz I lack sleep and I have nothing to do right now. Well, I do have stuff to do but it's SO boring and I'm waiting for 5:00. Tonight is Shepherd's Pie night and dealing with YUBC matters! Okay, I think I'm awake again now and should get some work done. Blogs work wonders! It's better than COFFEE and caffeine! Hehe!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

It's back!!!

That's right folks!


I can't believe I forgot to post about this!

Joe and I spent all of dim sum talking about this!!
Chances are that the Leafs won't get first pick for Sidney Crosby though. We only have one ball in the lottery if I remember correctly. BOO! :(


So aside from complaining about how evil McDonald's and how VAST my waistline is getting to be, let's get back to the usual dealy of posting about my week.

On Monday, after I got off at 1 p.m., I headed home and did some cleaning of the room, fixed up the fish tank, checked my e-mail, etc. Before I knew it, it was 6:00 p.m. and time to head out for dinner. I threw on a skirt, top, and sandals and headed up to Hwy.7. Dinner was pretty good. I haven't eaten real Chinese food in a long time. Well, not expensive Chinese food, at least. I'm always eating tastier white food. LOL! (FINE PRINT: WITH THE EXCEPTION OF DUMPLINGS, MILK TEA, HOT POT, AND A FEW OTHER THINGS.)

Anyway, after dinner Joe and I went over to Loretta's and Dan's for poker and dessert - apple pie à la mode! mMmm! I talked to Loretta for a bit as Dan and Joe watched Napoleon Dynamite again!!! ARGH. I dislike that movie SO much. It wasted 2 hours of my life!!!!

I got home around 1:00, gave Zin a quick call, then headed to bed.

Yesterday was a bummy day. I woke up around 11:00, washed up, and headed out to dim sum with mom and Joe. We went grocery shopping after that to pick up a few things. Finally home around 4:00 p.m., I cleaned the room some more, popped online to do some reading, etc. Zin came to pick me up around 6:30 and we headed to Fairview so that I could pick up my cons. We bumped into Mark outside of SportChek. Our next stop was No Frills, only to find...well...nothing. Back to the house we went to figure out enrolment and courses and stuff for the rest of the evening. Man, school sucks. It all sucks. Boo. :(

I have an hour left before work is over.

I'm sitting here and doing nothing.

I'm going to a Jays game on the 29th and that should prove to be fun (I hope?! I know squat about baseball, to be honest.)

I was supposed to play badminton tonight but York sucks crap and Tait is all booked up for events, again. So much for facilities being available for STUDENTS.

I really have to get my room cleared out today so that my aunt Agnes can take over for the next 12 days starting Thursday. This is going to be difficult with everything that I need being in that room, and me needing to access it around 6:00 a.m. each day before work.....somehow without waking or disturbing her?! AIYA.

Some good news though - MOVIE tonight, and I'm feeling happier today! Must be the large tea that I got from Timmy Ho's. Yes, the one that is now cold and gross tasting....

A new status

....I'm turning F-A-T.

Please, someone, warn Kevin for me before he one day goes "OMG. What happened to you, you BLIMP?!"


Okay, so back to the confession that relates to the little hypothetical situation up above.

I'm at work. I'm tired. I'm bored.
When this happens, I need to eat something.
It can be a drink even.

SO, I volunteered to do a breakfast run...seeing as how it's kind of bad for part-timers to just leave the office and go get a coffee . The rule is to always offer other people as well...then you can make it look like it's for everyone.

Anyway, this morning I arrived at work and knew that I'd need to consume something. I had my heart set on a hot drink from Timmy Ho' I was freezing to death on the subway.

Nothing seems wrong with this situation so far, right?
Well, just you wait.

What never fails...what ALWAYS ends up happening...what I end up the oh-so-evil McDonald's. There's something about the Sausage 'N Egg McMuffin that I can't resist. I always end up ordering it. I don't get it!!!!! I have to stop eating these heart attacks! As I stood in line I actually decided to be "good" and only order one, even though I SOOOOO wanted to have two! Last time, I had two. The time before that I had a combo AND an EXTRA sandwich. AIYA!!!!!

I'm gradually, and very quickly, going to going to receive a promotion - from BLIMP to WHALE status soon!!!

Monday, July 18, 2005

I totally remembered!

Can you believe that I'm back here, posting a new entry, and it's only been TWO days?!

On Saturday I woke up at 8 something to wash up and get ready to depart. Joe came home from McDonald's with my mom and dad, as they'd gone for breakfast. They brought home an Egg McMuffin combo for me (EEW!). Whatever happened to the BEST sandwich ever?! - the Sausage 'N Egg McMuffin! WHO eats the EGG McMuffin?!! BLEH! Oh well - free breakfast = can't complain.

We left for Kingston a little after 9 a.m. and drove for what seemed like an eternity on the 401. I slept for the initial hour or so, then decided to keep awake for fear of dying. Everyone else in the car was sleeping too and my dad was driving and I swear I thought I saw him dozing!!! From then on I tried to make a lot of noise, crank up my music through the headphones, etc., in hopes of keeping him awake. Thank goodness it worked! We arrived in Kingston around 12:30 and drove around for a little bit checking out the area. Next we hit up the Loblaws on Princess before finally scoping out the dingy and seedy apartment at 2 p.m. Man, that place was gross. The neighbourhood is good and all, but the place itself was so old and dilapidated. For $600/month it SO was NOT worth it. Anyway, I somehow managed to bump into Monica Cheung from St.Gabe's/LAT as she was walking through the neighbourhood. We headed back into Toronto and the family went out to dinner. Kev came to pick me up and we headed back to the house to eat. We were supposed to go to the Metro Food Fair and roam around, but it was RAINING! *grrrrr* I was SO looking forward to my lamb skewers!! I've been waiting for a YEAR now!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH! I was so mad! Anyway, we went back to the house and had cabbage rolls and watched Family Guy DVDs. Hahaha! Oh man, I love that show!

Nobody woke up for church on Sunday morning and my mom was QUITE the peeved because of that. Luckily I was still sleeping and didn't get my butt whooped. LOL! They went out to lunch and I got up for a shower. Kev and Brian came to get me around 1:30 and we headed out to Bamboo de Chine for some tasty dim sum. We headed over to Brian's diamond (Wilclay) after that and watched his team play for a bit (around 4 p.m.). I finally got to see Tracy, and I even bumped into Leslie Tan-Man. Turns out Jo's friend Kenny ALSO plays on their. It's insane. Sopheak arrived to watch for a bit as well, and shortly after that we headed out to our diamond (Wigmore) for our 6:00 p.m. game. We played against Soul and won 8-5. I got two catches, didn't make any runs, and totally baked in the heat! I was sweating buckets! Anyway, Sopheak, Grace, Brian, Kevin and I hung around after the game and continued to play til almost 10 p.m. We ate at Congee Queen after that and I got to drink some tasty HK Style Iced Lemon Tea! mMmm! I didn't sleep until 1:30 or so, as I was cleaning my room, talking on the phone, talking to Joe, etc. I will blog about today when I get home. I'm off work now!!! It's 1:00 p.m. Woo-hoo!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Another week gone

How come I can never find time to blog until a week has passed since the last entry? *sigh* Again I apologize that each entry must be so long.

I left work around 7 something on Monday and headed up to Yorkdale to meet Kev at the PJ's. I picked up three Chinese algae eaters, 8 male guppies, and a sliding glass canopy. We headed back to the house, took care of the fishies (I think??), and then made some food - just some quick fried rice was thrown together.

Same old deal for work on Tuesday. Worked from 8:45 until 5:30 or so. Got to have lunch with Joe at the Elephant & Castle. I had the Bangers, Bean, and Mash again. I really don't like the beans and their mashed potatoes aren't very good (I like my own more!) but the English sausage is so good. Joe's Mushroom and Cheese Burger was tasty too. My lunch was so filling - I felt SO sleepy after eating. For the rest of the afternoon I tried so hard to stay awake. Luckily, around 4 p.m or so we sang Happy Birthday to Lucas and also had a mini celebration that seating was over. They broke out the beer and wine and juice and did a small toast sorta thing in the department. Hahaha...that's the second time we've been able to drink on the job. It's crazy! Aren't there any, like...RULES....against this? Anyway, after work, I went back uptown to the house and we went to Big Al's on Steeles for female guppies and neon tetras. I think leftover fried rice was all we had for dinner? I honestly can't remember.

I was up until almost 3:00 dealing with fishies and talking on the phone with Michelle or something. I trekked downtown to BCE Place to have lunch with Aileen at Marché. mMmm! Haven't been there for quite some time now. I had rosti with smoked cheddar sausage, and chocolate ice cream for dessert! I went back uptown to the house again just as the A/C guy was wrapping up with his inspection, and Kev decided not to head back to work. Instead we headed out to early to Baskin Robbins at Centerpoint for milkshakes and cookies from Felix & Norton, then Big Al's to return two tetras that didn't last. We went home and grilled up some chicken, mushrooms and asparagus for dinner. I had WATERMELON for dessert! Heeeehehehe! I'm getting into the crazy swing of watermelon again! I got into pretty big trouble upon arriving home. Mom was pretty pissed because there was some idiot skateboarding around my street at an absolute freakin' RETARD and so she started to get scared that it was unsafe. That f-ing retard was skating around last week too. Like, what the freaking hell?!?! He got me in trouble! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I didn't head into work on Thursday cuz I'd been up til almost 5:00 a.m. dealing with the fish. I had to change the gravel in my tank, do a water change, clean out the filter, clean up the big mess that occurred on my carpet from water spillage, etc etc. Ugh. It just turned out to be a big nightmare. Anyway, I woke up, took care of more fish stuff (ANOTHER tetra went, along with 12 Danio's. ARGH!), then headed out to the house around 3-ish. I heated up some leftover Shepherd's Pie and started watching Ellen because Angelina Jolie was doing a guest appearance. Brian came home for a bit, and then Kev got home from work. We headed out to Pacmall so that he could get a haircut and got the biggest scare in the meantime. Just as we were approaching the hairdresser's I saw Joe and my dad inside. Like.....what the hell?!?! MURPHY'S LAW, much?!?! Oh man. I totally freaked out and RAN through the mall as far away from that shop as possible. We hid upstairs for a bit in the cultural area while snacking on egg waffle (Gai Dan Jai - tiny chicken eggs??) for a bit before heading back down when it seemed to be safe. Oii...that totally threw me off for the rest of the day. I mean, it was already a pretty pissy day cuz 12 Danio's died, my mom blasted me before I went out the door, and then I totally get spooked from almost running into family. Anyway, after Pacmall we went back to Felix & Norton to get Barb's present, then Big Al's to exchange another tetra and pick up some other stuff. We went back to the house, I did some dishes, then went home. What a f-ing crappy day. I eventually made a cup noodle at home because I was so hungry and fell asleep watching Family Guy.

I woke up around 11:00 and decided to treat my family to dim sum for lunch. I don't know why. I just felt like it, I guess? Karen, Joe, my mom and I headed out to Jade Dynasty and ordered a whack of food. For the remainder of the afternoon I was home working on stuff and whatnot. I hopped into the shower around 7:00 and got ready for my date with the girls. Dad dropped me off for the 9:00 p.m. reservation at Centro for Summerlicious '05. The food was good, but I was not impressed with the service. On two occasions someone dropped something or whatnot. Not impressive. On the whole the food was good and the experience was fun. I had the Fruitwood Smoked Salmon with Cress Salad and Lemon Vinaigrette, followed by the Tandoori Spiced Pork Tenderloin with Mango Chutney. For dessert I got the Caramelized Bananas Banana Split with Raspberry Sorbet and Pineapple Salsa. The smoked salmon salad was tasty, even with this light but crazy wasabi-like dressing on it. I don't normally like spiciness (frankly I can't handle it) but it really accentuated the flavours of the salmon. The pork tenderloin was good, but Michelle's Grilled Tiger Prawn and Scallop Brochette was really tasty too. The scallop was just seared on the outside and still soft on the inside. mMmmm. I finished off the evening with a really rich and smooth café latte. I had a blast and can't wait until Winterlicious! :) One weird thing though - what kind of high end restaurant has Kleenex as what you use to dry your hands?! That was just...odd. Anyway, Michelle dropped Janis and I back here at my place as Janis waited for her dad to come get her. I popped online after that and webcammed for most of the night. My internet has actually cut out now but I decided to finish this entry offline. Who knows when I'll be able to actually post this up? Tomorrow I'm off to Queen's/Kingston for most of the day to see Karen's apartment and such. I can't believe that she's actually going to be gone in about a month's time. It hasn't fully sunken in yet, but I'm already pretty sad about it. I don't really want to know how I'm going to feel when the time actually comes. I guess it's all a part of life. Either way, I'm really excited for her though. It'll be a really good experience for her, to be away and pursue her dream. Anyhoo, I think I've rambled for long enough. I think the café latte is finally wearing off. I'm getting sleepy. Goodnight folks.

Monday, July 11, 2005

And finally, number 3!

First off, I will start by complaining about how insanely ITCHY my eyes are today...for the gazillion-th time! They're so itchy that I want to scratch them! LOL! Okay, maybe not so much...but I really do want something to relieve the itching!

It seems like the best that I can do nowadays is to post one entry per week or so. Yep - that means crazy long posts. Sorry.......

I left off with last Tuesday the 5th - just under a week ago. I stuck around at work post-5 p.m. for a little bit (hence no softball practice), then headed uptown to buy a bunch of stuff at Costco with Zin. Then we made some crazy lamb kebobs and grilled up some mushrooms and asparagus on the BBQ for dinner. Honestly, I don't know what lambs or cows did to me in my past life, but it must not have been pretty or nice considering how often I seek revenge on their kind nowadays. LOL!

I worked from 8:45-5:00 on Wednesday the 6th, then met up with Kev, Iola, and Brian at Tait for badminton - ONLY to find out that the gyms were all in use for university basketball or stupid dance classes. *grrr* I hate our stupid campus!!!!!! Anyway, we decided to go back to the house, grab a snack(s) and/or change, then go to Lee's up in Markham for badminton. It cost $10.70 to play for about 3-4 hours. Kev left early to take care of stuff, so Brian, Shirley, Aaron Poon and I headed to KBBQ at Commerce for dinner around 11:00 or so. Oh was pretty darn gross. So unhealthy and greasy! If I wasn't so hungry I wouldn't have eaten that. Ugh. I got in around 1:15 a.m. or so and went to bed knowing that I was going to wake up at 7:00 a.m. the next morning to call in for the afternoon.

So, as I was saying.....I woke up at 7 on Thursday and called in saying that I was going to go in at 1 p.m. maybe (or moreso, that I'd call to let them know). I woke up at 10 to shower and such...and was going to go in for 1:00 p.m. As I was getting ready though, I realized that there was still a whole bunch of stuff that I needed to tend to before going to work. Crud! I ended up calling in to tell Fiona that I was going to be home for the remainder of the day but that I'd go in the next day (on my day off) to finish up all my seating for half the day. I took care of all the stuff, then called up Emily to see if she wanted to eat. She picked me up and we went to retrieve Brian. Off to FMP we went, where we had dim sum for lunch. We hit up Yo's and I ended up purchasing a new racquet. It cost me $180!!! OUCH. So yea....I got a new Carbonex 30 Muscle with BG 80's strung at 21 lbs. Lemme tell you though. It's a SWEET racquet. Anyway, we hit up Smart Maple for a little but before going to Pacmall for Brian's haircut. Emily picked up Jackie from work and then we headed out to do some grocery shopping. We picked back up my racquet and made our way over to the Great Canadian Superstore at Dufferin/Steeles. Kev arrived with Alex and Elly, and we went back to the house to play some ping pong, grill up some hot dogs and just chill. We decided to go for bubbletea at Empress' TenRen's later in the evening. That almond milk tea was SO powdery. Bleh!

I was psycho tired after having slept for only 2.5 hours and having to work at 8:45 until 12:00. Thank goodness it was only a half day - otherwise I wouldn't have survived. I dozed every chance that I got on the TTC. As I was walking up my street after getting off the bus, I found $20!! Sweet!!!! I did some laundry and then passed out on my beanbag chair for about 45 minutes - until my mom came home. I flopped back down and awoke again at 2:45 to the home renovations contractor dude arriving at my door. He worked everything out within 45 minutes and left - finally. Of course, by now, I didn't have enough time to nap yet again. *sigh* So yea, I started to pack and Kev eventually came to pick me up with Brian. We hit up the bank so that I could deposit some money, and the rest is history. I passed out in the car cuz I was feeling really week. I was running on 2.5 hours of sleep and hadn't eaten since 7:30 a.m. It was now at least 6:00 yea. Not too cool. I woke up when we arrived back at the house and I was about to go cook some dinner...but I really needed to lie down. I needed to either nap, or eat something and lie down. Either way, I needed to rest for a little bit. I next awoke to Kev telling me that food was ready. D'oh. So much for me making dinner. *sigh* I suck. Anyway, I headed downstairs and ate the filet mignon and veggies that he'd cooked up, and then I started on the dishes. The food definitely made me feel more human. We headed out around 10:30 or so and hit up Shopper's so that I could get some contact solution. At Jane and Finch a crazy accident involving some dude who ran a red happened right as we were making a left. Oh man! It was nuts! We were right next to it! So we hopped onto the 401 and made our way into Waterloo. Holy cow. The roads are bad enough as it is in there, but with, it's just RETARDED. All 4 ways into Brian's cousin's street were blocked. Like...wth?! *sigh* Anyway, we finally took a crazy detour, dropped him off, and made our way to St.Paul's to get settled in.

We arrived at the gym shortly after 9 and warmed up. Ivy and Nhi were there already and had set up in a small area by the door. It soon became too crowded so we caved and moved further down along the gym wall. The tourny was lots of fun. Even though Iola and I only won our first match, the games themselves (even when we lost) were really good. They were a good pace with good competition and many good rallies. Kev and I won our first two games for mixed, so we were stuck in the "A" Flight. Oh MAN! We got slaughtered for our third game. Haha! Overall, Mixed too was a lot of fun. I've never ran so much for doubles before! LOL! People always pick on me. :( We stuck around and watched some of the final games before heading out to Leung Yau for hot pot. The watermelon juice was SO tasty with the hot food! Before heading back to Toronto we hit up UPlaza at Philip and University to get bubbletea! Brian and I were psycho full so we decided to pass and lie on Iola's hood to look at the stars instead. Hahah...we also had some insane laughing fits because of how tired and full we were!

On Sunday, I woke up around 1 p.m. and showered. Kev made some bagels and scrambled eggs for brunch, and then we headed out to the Super Pet at Lawrence and Yonge.....only to discover that most of Yonge was closed off for the Celebrate Toronto street festival. D'oh! We ended up parking our car along a side street, and walked over to the store. Four female bettas and a small 5 gallon tank was purchased. We hit up the Great Canadian Superstore at Dufferin and Steeles to pick up some popsicles, watermelon, nectarines, cabbage rolls, etc. Back at the house, while organizing a bunch of stuff, we cooked up some chicken fingers that were not so tasty, and also finished off the cinammon rolls that his mom bought him....which also were not so tasty. LOL! Finally we cooked up some quick shepherd's pie - this time with a totally experimental recipe instead of the usual kind that we make - and it turned out to be pretty tasty! Anyway, before I knew it, it was hometime again. So yea....nothing excited happened at home. I arrived, unpacked some dirty badminton clothes, washed up, and passed out.

I woke up around 7 today and was psycho tired. I quickly washed up, threw on some clubs, and rolled out the door to work. I shouldn't have worn contacts today - my eyes have been SO itchy since putting them on. I've been wanting to rub my eyes like mad all day. It's lunchtime now, by the way, and I've been at this blog since at least 12:15 or so. Well, I did have to actually do some work in between. Anyway, I think this post is way too long so I'll

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Fun weekend numéro deux

Oh boy oh boy! It's been a while since I last posted and there's so much to be said!

Holy cow - it's been about a week since I last posted?! I can't seem to remember everything that happened last week. Dang!

I think I actually went home for dinner last Monday. It was about time I showed my face at home after not having been home for the weekend.

I worked on Tuesday and then went over to the house for dinner. I can't remember what we ate, but it was made on the BBQ. I think it was pork chops?

Wednesday again was work. Then I went to the house to cook up some dumplings as Zin cleaned up after a day of work. We biked over to the Bethune Dining Hall and had our first YUBC Exec Meeting of 05-06.

On Thursday, I woke up and tried to do tons of laundry. Then I went out to have late dim sum with my mom and Joe. THEN I came home and started to pack. I waited for my dad to get home to take me the Finch Station Passenger Pick-up. I met up with Zin there and we hit up the Upper Canada Mall in Newmarket to buy new shades at The Sunglass Hut. Omg...I can't believe he got the same shades as me. We now both have a pair of Oakley A-Wires. Mine are gold though, and his are black/charcoal. Anyway, we stopped by a TD and a convenience store for ice cream and Schneider's Hot Rods. Those things used to taste SO much better. Now they just remind me of dog food. Bleh. We got lost along the way to Wasaga because of the crappy Mapquest directions - "make a slight right here, make a right, make a slight left, make a left..." Like, what the HECK is a slight right onto a Country Road?! Aiiiii....We finally made it to Saga Resort by 11:30 or so.

On Friday we had a late brunch of pancakes and bacon, followed by a pseudo-walk out the beach. I say pseudo- because we didn't even make it to out the beach before turning back towards the hotel. The weather was really cruddy - windy, blowing sand, storm clouds, cold conditions. Everyone was leaving the beach. We ended up spending the rest of the day indoors watching movies and Star Trek in the for when we had to grill lamb loin chops on the BBQ for dinner. I totally pigged out on the trip though - cheetos, ice cream, chip 'n dip, pop, etc. *sigh* I'm such a fatso.

On Saturday we checked out and left the car in the parking lot. We finally headed down to the beach (finally, and right before we LEFT Wasaga, of all times). Shopping around for a necklace similar to the one I'd gotten during the Grad Trip, as well as a swimsuit that would actually fit and not be psycho loose on me, I only successfully found one of the two. I managed to get a necklace and a bracelet that matched. However, I didn't have much luck with the swimsuit. The smallest size they had anywhere was 5-6, which is way too big for me. It was either that, or kids sizes. Niiiiiiiiiiice.... So we had ice cream for breakfast from the Ben & Jerry's shop along the boardwalk. Well, I had a chocolate shake - SO good! Kev had chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Back to Toronto we drove to drop off some of the luggage and stuff and to load the bikes up onto the car. We grilled up some Mesquite burgers before hitting the road again, bound for his cottage up in Coboconk. We arrived in time for another tasty dinner à la Karl, consisting of risotto with portobello mushrooms, grilled sugar snap peas and asparagus, grilled shrimp, and grilled pork tenderloin. We headed out on the boat for the geography lesson after that and came back to sit by the warm blazing fire. Dessert consisted of freshly-picked strawberries and tasty Kawartha Dairy vanilla ice cream. Zin and I eventually headed out to the boat by the dock and laid under the stars to admire the breathtaking sight...........until it got way too cold. LOL! Yep, it was still cold in July. Off to bed we went around 1:30-ish?

I awoke at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday to the delicious smell of bacon wafting into my room. Barb was frying some up. I cleaned up and sat around to chat with her for a bit before Kev finally woke up at 11 a.m. We made bacon and eggs for breakfast before going out for a dip in the lake. MAN it was freezing. Well, at least it was for me! We got out, dried off, and decided to go canoeing around for a bit. We docked at this one inlet by a bridge that smelled like urine. That was interesting....We rowed back to the dock and began our hunt for crayfish. We caught 14 in total and kept them in the bucket for the day! Hehe! It was one big bucket of not-so-happy crayfish! LOL! Barb and Karl's friends arrived sometime during our crayfish adventure. That's when all of us headed out on the boat again to watch Zin on the wakeboard. Then Wade went on the kneeboard, seeing as how he couldn't get his size 12 feet into the wakeboard. Heh. Next Whitney wakeboarded around the lake for a bit before it was my turn to try water skiing. Oh man...was I ever freaked being the one who definitely cannot swim well and yea. It was definitely an experience. I was up twice but didn't stand up far enough before wiping out, so I've been told. I have no clue. I just remember wiping out. Oiiiii....I went tubing after that with Whitney though, and that was MAJOR fun! Hahah! I was airborne at least 3 times! LOL! We came back to shore after that and snacked on stuff before Zin and I headed out to bike on trails. I got eaten alive by mosquitos and Kev's bike chain broke when we were as far away from the cottage as one could possibly be. LOL! He ended up having to use the bike as a scooter during the trip back. A big bunny happened to cross our path at the top of the crazily steep hill. We always seem to run into bunnies when we bike. Last time we saw 5 on the bike trail near York. This time we see this mother of a big fat hoppity thing! LOL! Anyway, we packed up our luggage and took some dinner for the road before heading back to Toronto.......but of course we had to stop for ice cream along the way. "Death By Chocolate" was definitely tasty and to die for. Ok....that pun sucked...and I don't like puns. Why did I just pun?! *sigh*

Yesterday consisted of going in to work late. I was supposed to be in for 8:45 but I went in for the afternoon instead at 1:00 and stayed until 8:15 to do seating. I met up with Zin at Downsview and we headed back to the house to grill up some pork chops, mushrooms, and zucchini for dinner. Brian came home from Newmarket and we chatted for a bit. I went home, got Joe to help apply some mosquito after-bite stuff onto my INSANELY ITCHY bites, and then I went to bed.

I didn't sleep well last night because I was up most of the time writhing in bed from the itchiness. I didn't dare look at my clock for fear of finding out how few hours I had left before having to wake up for work. I did get out of bed this morning and even had enough time to cook up some soft-boiled eggs for breakfast. I had a cheesestring and half a cup of coffee as well. Now it's lunchtime and I'm gonna go heat up the food I brought from home. That's right. No buying today.........for once. I also have a yogurt...and Rice Krispie squares...and snacks. Man, am I at work or am I feasting?! Bottom line is that I'm a fatso and no one can refute that. Oh, that, and a warzone.....heheh! *runs away*