Tasty, and not so much...
I've noticed lately that times have changed (no really, eh?! D U H!)
The first instance that made me more aware of this was during the ride up to Wasaga with Kev over the Canada Day long weekend. We stopped off at a convenience store in Newmarket (somewhere near the Upper Canada Mall where he bought his OAKLEY'S!! - wheeee!), as we were both craving for some junk/snack foods for the trip. We decided on Hagen Daz coffee ice cream bars, Humpty Dumpty onion rings, and a 5-pack of Schneider's Hot Rods. So, regarding the latter..........I remember how I used to eat these ALL THE TIME when Joe and I were younger. They were just so incredibly tasty, seemingly. Anyway, so Kev apparently really loved them as well. Umm...so as we bit into them, a not-so-pleasant expression appeared on both our faces, and we BOTH knew that it tasted so similar to dog food. Okay, mind you, I haven't actually eaten like dog food before, so I can't truthfully say that. However, it's like how people say that something "tastes like ass". I mean, has anyone truly tasted ass before?! (I don't really want to know, by the way....). These "tasty" treats used to be one of my favourite things to chew on in the basement before dinner. You bite into these chewy sticks and the grease just oozes out from the pockets. Now they simply remind me of nothing but dog food. It was SO gross.
The second food item is not disgusting at all. It was just....disappointing..is all. I remember how Karen and I used to walk over to Loblaws after dinner just to buy a frozen Sarah Lee pound cake and pick out at it as we sat at the benches. A while back, Kev and I bought one and figured we'd have some tasty desserts made with it. You know, fruit purée on the side, or chocolate sauce...or fruits on the side....or ICE CREAM! Anyway, it was tasty, yes, but definitely not as I remembered it to be. *sigh* I bet you my taste buds are dying out slowly.
On the UP SIDE, there are MANY things that have become SO MUCH MORE TASTY over the years. Meat and potatoes are definitely at the top of my list. Yes, I love my beef and I love my lamb. The funny thing is that, when I was a kid, I didn't like meat NEARLY as much as I loved my veggies. I loved Chinese brocolli and regular brocolli. Anything with crunch. I loved spinach too. There's also this Asian vegetable called "sahn choy"...which literally translates into "slime vegetable". It sounds gross, but it's good. Some of you will know what it is. I didn't like potatoes all too much either. I didn't find them to be all that special or anything.
You look at me now though (fat and all), and holy cow! I can eat so much beef and lamb because it's just AWESOME, and I absolutely loved mashed potatoes to death. I think Kevin's way still tastes the best. Swiss Chalet's is not bad. Montana's and Elephant & Castle's are both NASTIFIED! They are so bland and have no taste! Mashed potatoes are awesome when you taste the creaminess, with some saltiness to it, and it's just sooo smooth and rich. Rich gravy on top is an added bonus! Roasted garlic mashed in is even better. Omg, now I really want some mashed potatoes..........
Anyway, this was just some stuff that I thought about between dozing during this morning's commute.
Oh wait, there's also chocolate. I never used to crave chocolate. I always preferred salty snacks any day over sweet stuff. However, nowadays, I definitely could go for a chocolate shake or chocolate cake or chocolate sauce on my crèpe, etc. mMmmm! *drools*
Yea, I'm a pig................
yea those hotrods were pretty sketchy. Now i dont know what dog food tastes like but i think when i was less than 2, i had tried eating cat food :S
Sunday, July 31, 2005 1:10:00 PM
cat food is supposed to be WAY tastier than dog food. something about cats being pickier eaters...
Monday, August 01, 2005 6:42:00 PM
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