stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It keeps me awake...

Oh man, I'm totally falling asleep right now and it's 3:45 p.m. I need to wake up or I'm totally not going to last until 5:00 p.m.

I'll blog about the past week's happenings. On Wednesday evening (20th of July) we were supposed to go play badminton. Once again Tait was booked. Big surprise. Kev and I ended up going to First Markham's Cineplex and watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith. We were supposed to have dinner at Kelsey's after that but Kev was tired so we just headed home instead.

The week didn't involve a lot of work because conversion was still taking place, hence no computers for use. With no computers means no work....meaning hours dwindling. That's going to hurt the paycheque quite a bit. Anyway, Agnes arrived and we went out to dim sum at Bamboo de Chine with her, Uncle Peter, Cecilia the watermelon boy, the shrimp, and my grandparents. Brian came over in the afternoon with Emily for a bit, and David showed up afterwards. Emily eventually left for work for 4:00 p.m. Brian, David, Joe and I spent the afternoon playing poker. I came in second. We didn't play for real money though, thank goodness. I don't want to lose money over something stupid like gambling. I'd rather buy ice cream or milk tea with it! I was supposed to go have dinner with my family, but there weren't enough seats in the car with Agnes and David present. Once again I had to deal with it and stay home to starve. Mom offered to bring food home for me, but after dinner Joe and I were supposed to go over to chill at my grandparents' by the time I got home to eat it would've been midnight. I figured that I would've fainted from hunger by then so I declined. Instead, Zin finally convinced me to go get food elsewhere. He came to pick me up and we headed to Pizza Hut so I could get a small Canadian for take-out. We ate at Skymark Park and just hung out for a bit before heading over my grandparents' condo. Just as we arrived at the complex, Joe called and arrived with David. Perfect timing! We headed upstairs to pick up the keys and equipment, then headed downstairs to the ping pong room. We played for a bit, and I managed to smack the ball into Zin's eye.....(I'm sorry!!). We went for a walk to grab Brian from the plaza afterwards. We shot pool for a bit as well before leaving around 11. I didn't get much sleep that night because I was on the phone until 3 a.m. or so. So sleepy.

My mom went out to brunch with Agnes on Friday (the 22nd) and actually brought food home for me too! I ate that, got ready, and headed out the door towards the house. I watched Family Guy with Brian for a bit before he left for the temple. Zin came home from work and we headed to Reptilia for crickets, as well as Big Al's to pick up my fish tank's fluorescent light! Pressed for time yet again, we threw together some fried rice and cooked up some zucchinis.

On Saturday I went for MORE dim sum at Jade Dynasty with family. I got dropped back home and Kev picked me up before we headed to Fairview to shop for birthday presents. We roamed a bit before hitting up Peanut Plaza's Payless. We ended up having to go to Don Mills Centre's Payless = FAR! Next we hit up Canadian Tire to pick up my BBQ, new dishes for his house, etc. Dinner was rushed yet again (busy day!!!!) so we had some dumplings before I headed home.

I went to mass with family for 10:30 p.m. I headed home after that to shower and get ready for softball. Grace and Sopheak came to pick me up around 12:30. We popped into the Dominion at Kennedy & 401 to pick up some pizza and whatnot. The Paladins beat the Lions! Unfortunately, during this game, I killed my left shoulder, knee, and elbow. My knee is ripped up pretty badly - I'm missing a chunk. My elbow is scabbing up but still somewhat painful. My shoulder can't lift beyond a certain level, nor can it rotate without pain. I really should get it checked out. Kev came to pick me up with Alex after that and dropped me home. I took a very painful shower and got ready for the big dinner. Anne and Angela picked me up at 6:15 p.m. and we grabbed Joyce before parking at Y ork Mills Station. We subwayed down to Marcel's Bistro on King St. W to enjoy a Summerlicious dinner for Anne & Michelle's 20th Birthdays! Mish and I headed out for bubbletea with Kevin after dinner and just chilled for a bit.

On Monday the 25th, the Steve guy from the renovations place was supposed to come do re-measurements between 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. He FINALLY showed up at 2:00 a.m. when we were just about to leave and not wait for him any longer. I talked to him briefly about changing the colours of the troughs, etc., before we headed out to Market Village to have dim sum with Dan and Loretta. Next we went to the gaming store so that Joe could chip his PS2. We finally head back to Dan's place so that Agnes could visit. He raced us back to our house so that we could swing by my grandparents' place for Agnes to visit as well. Finally we headed up to Highway 7 for another family dinner. The food was tasty! There was a fried chicken (Asian style) with fried garlic! Then there was fried spicy garlic softshell crab with fried egg tofu.

On Tuesday Zin picked me up around 12:40 and we headed up to NFS. We cooked up some eggs, bacon, and toast up at the house before heading back down to the shop for a tour. I watched him work for the rest of the day, and got to drive a GT 235 (I thiiiiink that's what it's called?!), as well as his car (again!). We drove down to the cornfield as well to check it out. Back up to the house we went for dinner - penne and sauce - with Karl and Barb. Shortly after that we drove back to the house and watched Family Guy for the rest of the night. Hahah...I love Family Guy DVD's!!

Today, I woke up at 6 for work. I didn't get to shower because my dad went in at the same time again! ARGH! I managed to wash out my wound and change my dressing. Hobbling to work isn't really that much fun. It's hard to walk up any stairs. I drank a hot chocolate from Second Cup with a touch of whipped cream because I'd been wanting a chocolate beverage since yesterday (a chocolate shake sounds tempting right about now). For lunch I had a quarter chicken dinner with mashed potatoes from Swiss Chalet. I think it's making me sleepy. I'm kidding. I'm sleepy cuz I lack sleep and I have nothing to do right now. Well, I do have stuff to do but it's SO boring and I'm waiting for 5:00. Tonight is Shepherd's Pie night and dealing with YUBC matters! Okay, I think I'm awake again now and should get some work done. Blogs work wonders! It's better than COFFEE and caffeine! Hehe!


Blogger Kevin said...

the guy didnt show up till 2am? wow. And yes it IS a GT 235. GOOD DONDON!

Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:24:00 PM

Blogger Donna said...

Oops. 2 P.M.!
Whatever, Mister PERFECT TYPER!!!! *rolls eyes*

Yea....a GT 235, 465, 782. They all looked the same = GREEN. :P

Friday, July 29, 2005 11:50:00 AM


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