Where have I disappeared off to once again?
These past months have been all about keeping busy.
Work was done on the house. New eavestroughs and soffit/fascia. Fixing the foundation. New air conditioner.
There's been lots of fixing up the other house, too. Carpet was laid down in the basement, and is in the process of being re-painted. Area rugs laid down in living room and bedroom. Bunnies about to be relocated. 40 gallon tank set up. Computer/work room entirely re-organized. Garden is in shambles again, but that's last priority at the moment.
Helped the sister move from old place to new place in K-town. As a result of this, the parents now also know about the boyfriend (finally!). All I can say - What a relief!
On the work front, it's been good. Liking the job a lot more now compared to when I used to be there. Hours are slim nowadays since business is slow. Hopefully it'll pick up again. Having fun on the job is all about great co-workers. :) Oh yea, and I dislocated my shoulder (yes, again.....) while scaling shelves in the back. Oh mannnnn was it ever sore. Must remember to be more careful.
Went up to the cottage a few times. Managed to dislocate my shoulder there too while swimming in the lake. Now THAT was freakin' scary. I couldn't move in the water and it was just all so sudden. Luckily I'm okay now. My shoulder's condition is really starting to worry me now though. I mean, exactly how many times "can" I dislocate it before I must go under the knife to tighten things back up? :(
Wasaga beach trip was hella fun! Hopefully I can get some pics up soon! The water was great - sooooo warm!
Summerlicious x 2. Studio Café at the Four Seasons with Janis, Mish, and Hanna. Went to Ménage after that. Luckily we left when we did. It started to POUR after that and we could've gotten DRENCHED.
Wildfire Steakhouse and Wine Bar was for Anne and Mish's joint birthday. Didn't end up going to a lounge afterwards; too full, too far. Instead, we headed down to Janis' condo by the waterfront and hung out. Good times. :)
Bunny update: Jack hurt his foot again from roughing around with Baby. Quite a lot of blood was shed. Silly bunnies. Can't ever teach them to play nicely.
BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Mushy Mishy!! Ever since we'd ever began talking about career goals, she'd always talked about wanting to become a dentist. Well, guess what?! She's doing it! In fact, she leaves mid-August for Saskatchewan to begin orientation. She'll be greatly missed, but I'm also DEFINITELY very proud of her.
The sister is back from Dryden now after a grueling month up in no-man's-land doing clinical practice. Seems like she had a good time. I didn't hear a whole lot about her rounds at the hospitals, but I certainly did learn that she tried kayaking, wind-surfing, motorcycling, beach volleyball, etc. Now I'm beginning to wonder where she didn't just leave for a month-long vacation...........
Went to the Jays vs. Yankees game on the 21st. Good game, and we ended up getting free pizza from the strikeouts! Woo-hoo! 3rd ROW seats, baby!! Thanks to Rob for the tickets!
If I have time in the next few days (or weeks..........), I'll upload photos from some of the aforementioned events.
Hope everyone is having a safe and happy summer!
No problem!! I'm glad you guys enjoyed the game :)
Monday, July 31, 2006 10:22:00 PM
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