stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Just one of those days...

Given the title of this post, you probably already think that I'm about to post about something negative, aren't ya? LOL! Well, PSYCH! Sure, it's "one" of those days, but I never said that it had to be one of those BAD days. LOL! Okay, that was really lame.

ANYWAY, today has been a very chillllllll but relaxing and fun day. I woke up at noon-ish upon realizing that I really could sleep no more. I was still a tad tired and I'm sure that if I laid in bed long enough, I could drift back to sleep. However, I didn't see any point in doing so. Up I got, and into the shower I went. After roughly an hour or so of amazingly, comfortably, warm relaxation, I headed out to dim sum with my mom. Oh man, so gooooood. Fried spicy eggplant, congee with LOADS of green onions (yea, I dunno WHY but they're SO good together!), uber tasty BBQ duck with "lai fun", etc etc etc. It was a good lunch....just me and my mom...chilling at the restaurant. Okay, well I wouldn't exactly call it chillin'....cuz my mom doesn't chill. It was moreso...umm...doing something that we definitely both enjoy a lot and have in common - our love for food. :)

Upon arriving home, I made a trip up to my roof via ladder to check out the shingles and eavestroughs and siding and such. Yea, it was kinda freaky. Breaking my back wasn't on my list of things to accomplish for the day, if you get my drift. So mom was outside with me watching to "ensure" that I didn't kill myself during the process of inspection, as well as telling me what needed to be fixed. Oh, and don't get the wrong idea. I'M not gonna be the one doing the repairs. I'm not that handy. (Hahah...yea, I'm not handy!). Okay that was just mean. I take that back. Anyway, we have quite a few repairs to do to the siding around the back of the house, as well as relocating some eavestrough outlets and such. My pants and hands were all grunged up by the time I was done....but it was nothing that a little soap and/or detergent wouldn't be able to clean.

I've been catching up on blog reading and such since roughly 4:30 p.m. I decided to pop in the Beatles CD "1" and my dad seems to be lovin' it. I think it's been on Repeat All for the 3rd time or so now, and he's still singing to all the tunes. He's even randomly blurting out useless Beatles facts to me....about stuff like....well, I can't even rememeber now. LOL! I was SOOOO paying attention. *ahem*

Now I've gotta go get ready. Tonight's the LAT Spring Concert, and I get to see Anne! Well, I gotta go change out these dirty roof clothes now. I might even be back to blog more tonight or possibly TOMORROW!

By the way, for all those who watch the show JAG - this FRIDAY is the SERIES FINALE on CBS at 9:00 p.m. Apparently we finally get closure about the all tensions between Harm and Mac and stuff! AHhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Just had to...

Okay, I WAS about to go to bed but I HAD to post these lyrics up.

2, you might already have this song because it's from an episode of Smallville from this season. The episode called "The Recruit" with Luke from the O.C. guest-starring in good ol' Metropolis! Anyhoo, it was at the end of the episode. The lyrics are kinda depressing, but I can't stop listening to it. It fit so well into the show!

Simple Plan - Untitled

I open my eyes
I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light
I can’t remember how
I can’t remember why
I’m lying here tonight

And I can’t stand the pain
And I can’t make it go away
No I can’t stand the pain

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

Everybody’s screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I’m slipping off the edge
I’m hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again

So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can’t explain what happened
And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done
No I can’t

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The return

After having had several bad weeks (hence several very negative, angry, b*tched-out posts), I think I'm now ready to post about some fairly positive things instead.

This coming week is going to be pretty fun. I have work on Monday (tomorrow) from 8:45 to 5:00. I have Guides at7:00, and it should be pretty chill because the girls are bringing their friends for Camp prep night. I'm working again on Tuesday from 8:45 to 5:00, and off to ABC it is after that. I think Iola is coming along too! It's been many weeks since I last touched a badminton racquet, so I'm totally excited about being able to play again! I've been wanting to play for the past few weeks already, but due to lack of time and the fact that my wrist was half-busted, I decided to take a break. I was only scheduled for two days this week for some reason. Oh well - I'm not complaining. I'm gonna sleep in a bit on Wednesday, put up my posters, and go to dim sum with my mom. Then I'm gonna come home to chill for a bit, relax, watch some TV or downloads, etc. Later in the evening I'm going to the LAT Spring Concert with Anne, Jay, and Kevin. Thursday is a day of celebration, and O.C. and a lamb or beef dinner. Heheheh!! On Friday I'm leaving for Orillia around noon and will be returning on Sunday. Yeps, it's that time of the year again - Camp for Girl Guides - which means I won't be sleeping for 3 nights. LOL! Hopefully the skies will be clear so that I'll be able to see the stars.

Life is always full of stresses. If it's not school, then it's something else. Things can never be awesome and dandy and easy-going, but that's okay. That's what keeps things moving and interesting. Though I'm working during the summer, I don't mind it. I don't want to be stuck at home being a bum all day when I am granted the opportunity to make good use of this time to make money. I have my weekends to enjoy, where I can see friends or just chill out and have me-time. I have the evenings to see friends for bubbletea (summertime bubbletea craziness with Mark and Christine or Iola all over again..hahah!) or badminton or whatnot. I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't want to look back on the summertime thinking that I was not productive and just spent my days bumming around in the house. I remember I used to absolutely hate doing that during high school. I'm glad that I can be out of the house doings things. I'll have work, softball, friends, D, etc. etc. (again, no particular order *ahem*). This summer will be busy and eventful, just like last year, but definitely in a good way.

So this past Friday, YUBC had their elections for the 2005/2006 Executive Council....and I am no longer the Social Co-ordinator. I've been elected to be next year's Vice-President. Hrm....I think it'll be an interesting year, to say the least.

Well, I would write more, but I really have to hit the hay. Have to get up at 6:00 a.m. to shower for work. G'nites!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Not acceptable

As good ol' Coach put it, stop being such a flippin' PANSY.

When I'm tired, I have zero tolerance, for...well...anything.
That's why I need to just sleep.
If I don't sleep, I'll snap.
Either or.

It's weird how the quality of sleep for me lately has been almost at the level of CRAP.
Those who know me know that I usually never have a problem when it comes to sleep.
I'm literally out cold and sleep for hours on end....without any problems trying to fall asleep or anything of the sort.

Lately though, I've been so sleep deprived. I might get 5-6 hours per night....but they're absolutely lousy. I think it's because I keep going to bed in a non-relaxed state. I've always been disgruntled or frustrated or angry or sad or miserable. I should eat a pound of sugar before sleeping. Then I'd be "happy" and sleep.........better....?!

Wired and tired.
It definitely is taking a toll on my body.

This bites.

Coach, those Ho Shim noodles are awesome. I need to learn how to make them so that I can stop paying $4.27 for them. Our mission from now on is to scam the recipe off of them. Deal? Good. ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The best of the worst

I just feel right now that if I actually caved and allowed myself to cry, I would have the best cry that I've had in SO long. Violent sobs of frustration that leave you with the most relieved feeling..... (even if it's temporary).

Bittersweet, I guess?


I'm trying really hard nowadays to ask for guidance from Him and to pray that I'll be able to eventually ease the pain and suffering for those angered and frustrated around me that I myself still can't seem to help.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I honestly feel like THE biggest mung geung right now, for all you Cantonese speakers out there. I'm so mung because I just don't get it sometimes. Honestly. My freakin' dad doesn't make sense. Life doesn't seem to make sense. I just want to hide in a hole. Nothing's making it better.

Each day the problem(s) come and go...linger around and bother me...then pass.....then come back.
Everything is so unstable. Shaky. I can't seem to figure out what to do anymore. Everything used to seem so clear. Life's not easy okay? However, that does not warrant anyone to give up and not live it out. What were you put on this Earth for? Humans, a species of seemingly superior intellect, are not wishing to live out their full potential or lead a full life. Why would one make a conscious decision at such a young such an early stage in life? How can one not CARE about life when there's so much out there?! Why would one want to skip through the most glorious years and end up at an age where you're not capable of doing all those things that youth and health allow?! WHY would one wish to shelter themselves from the world when it's the world that they live in? HOW can one not care? What sort of life is that? To me, that's not a life worth living. Life is living in the here and now, and enjoying the moment while planning for a bigger and better future that lies ahead. I am sick of delays. I am so sick of excuses. I am so sick of laziness as a reason.


Okay, I REALLY need to go to bed and unwind before I freak out permanently.

WHAT a way to post an entry - to come back screaming in a fit of anger and pure frustration after a long hiatus. I had hoped to return on a very positive note. Freakin' bugger......

I hope the next post finds me in much better spirits.