Just one of those days...
Given the title of this post, you probably already think that I'm about to post about something negative, aren't ya? LOL! Well, PSYCH! Sure, it's "one" of those days, but I never said that it had to be one of those BAD days. LOL! Okay, that was really lame.
ANYWAY, today has been a very chillllllll but relaxing and fun day. I woke up at noon-ish upon realizing that I really could sleep no more. I was still a tad tired and I'm sure that if I laid in bed long enough, I could drift back to sleep. However, I didn't see any point in doing so. Up I got, and into the shower I went. After roughly an hour or so of amazingly, comfortably, warm relaxation, I headed out to dim sum with my mom. Oh man, so gooooood. Fried spicy eggplant, congee with LOADS of green onions (yea, I dunno WHY but they're SO good together!), uber tasty BBQ duck with "lai fun", etc etc etc. It was a good lunch....just me and my mom...chilling at the restaurant. Okay, well I wouldn't exactly call it chillin'....cuz my mom doesn't chill. It was moreso...umm...doing something that we definitely both enjoy a lot and have in common - our love for food. :)
Upon arriving home, I made a trip up to my roof via ladder to check out the shingles and eavestroughs and siding and such. Yea, it was kinda freaky. Breaking my back wasn't on my list of things to accomplish for the day, if you get my drift. So yea.......my mom was outside with me watching to "ensure" that I didn't kill myself during the process of inspection, as well as telling me what needed to be fixed. Oh, and don't get the wrong idea. I'M not gonna be the one doing the repairs. I'm not that handy. (Hahah...yea, I'm not handy!). Okay that was just mean. I take that back. Anyway, we have quite a few repairs to do to the siding around the back of the house, as well as relocating some eavestrough outlets and such. My pants and hands were all grunged up by the time I was done....but it was nothing that a little soap and/or detergent wouldn't be able to clean.
I've been catching up on blog reading and such since roughly 4:30 p.m. I decided to pop in the Beatles CD "1" and my dad seems to be lovin' it. I think it's been on Repeat All for the 3rd time or so now, and he's still singing to all the tunes. He's even randomly blurting out useless Beatles facts to me....about stuff like....well, I can't even rememeber now. LOL! I was SOOOO paying attention. *ahem*
Now I've gotta go get ready. Tonight's the LAT Spring Concert, and I get to see Anne! Well, I gotta go change out these dirty roof clothes now. I might even be back to blog more tonight or possibly TOMORROW!
By the way, for all those who watch the show JAG - this FRIDAY is the SERIES FINALE on CBS at 9:00 p.m. Apparently we finally get closure about the all tensions between Harm and Mac and stuff! AHhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
I know somebody else who could tell you useless Beatles Facts! Maybe I should challenge your father to a useless knowledge DUEL!
Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:47:00 AM
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