stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Sunday, February 27, 2005

I'm the tubby kid for whom food brings so much comfort....

As I write up this entry, I think back on this past week and the only real words that come to mind are "long" and "frustrating". It's odd because this negative impression of the past seven days' happenings has been formulated entirely from yesterday's events. What a way to ruin the week eh? Hopefully, as I continue with this post, I'll remember that Monday to Friday were better days than Saturday?

I guess Monday wasn't such a good day. With the stress of midterms, and my decision to change "career paths" sort of turned out to be a day that felt like I was being swallowed whole by burdensome feelings of uncertainty. I kept asking myself the same question - "What am I getting myself into.....??"

I slept in on Tuesday and woke up to study for most of the afternoon. I went out the door around 4:30 p.m. and got to campus just in time for my Chem test. Stupid rushhour traffic. *grumbles* I met up with Kevin and Brian @ PS2 afterwards, and we went back to the house. We made tacos for dinner!

Zin came over Wednesday morning to help me start the "re-modelling" process of my room. We disassembled the second bed in my room and cleared out the contents of the drawers that sat below the bed. I discovered that after all these years, I DO in fact have a phonejack in my room. ARGH! Anyway, we headed out the bank first so that I could deposit some cheques, then headed to GAP BV. I picked up two pairs of the Ultra Low Rise for $30 each! Woo-hoo to employee coupons! We headed to Subway for lunch afterwards (lunch being at 4 p.m.?!) and then picked up a bunch of stuff at Canadian Tire (phonejack, doorbell, ladder, halogen light fixture, etc.). We headed back to my house to wire and install the phone jack, then drove out to Square One. There was an accident on the 407, so traffic was slow for a bit. I got a whole bunch of stuff from GapBody! Again, YAY to 50% discounts!! Next, we hit up PJ's. I got a huge bottle of AquaPlus water conditioner for 6 bucks!! What a good deal! I also wanted to get the heater for my tank, but didn't. Oh well. Zin picked up a pretty RED betta, and a very neon-y green tank. Famished, we raced back home and made fried rice with some of the leftover chicken from last week's trip...along with some leftover veggies and whatnot. I didn't get home til well past curfew cuz I needed to pick up milk from the gas station....which was actually pretty scary, come to mention it. I was in the Petro, standing at the cash, paying, when 3 "hak yun" walked in and started hovering behind me. Oh man...that kinda got my heart racing.........

Thursday arrived, and I went to YUBC pretty late. Well, that's because I decided to make soup-filled dumplinsg for lunch, and heat up peanut butter squares for dessert (with milk!!). That's when Karen came home, so we talked for a bit before I finally went out the door. Kevin and Brian had their Mandarin test to write, so they left early. Sopheak and I closed up and we all headed to the Student Centre for food. I didn't know what to get initially, until Kent and Sanli came back with frozen yogurt. :S I just couldn't resist. Kevin and Brian showed up around 5:00 p.m. and we left to go get ourselves some fruity frozen yogurt from Tastes. It was pretty darn COLD eating frozen yogurt and walking across campus to Ice Gardens. *brrrr!* We headed to Food Basics and took forever getting groceries. That place was so ghetto....... :S We raced to T&T afterwards to pick up a few items, and rushed back home in time to catch the O.C. at 8:00 p.m. We finally made food at 9 - chicken fingers, chicken and onions, and mashed potatoes. We had to finish up the leftover chicken, and I had a huge hankering for chicken fingers (after purchasing them from the grocery store)....and I really wanted potatoes. Weirdly enough, we didn't even end up touching the huge bowl of potatoes. I also fried up the rest of the "year cake". We watched SFU while eating a plateload of chicken.

Iola came to get me before YUBC. We got to Tait, I signed her in, and we played until 3:30. Kev, Bri, Iola and I then left to hit up bank(s), then Timmy Ho's, then LAT. When we arrived, Miss was already closing up 4:30!!!?! We used to always go until 6:00 p.m., if not later! Like...WHAT?! At least she let the four of us play for about 30 minutes. She tried to bribe us with tubes of "free" birds if we were to come back on Wednesday to coach. LOL! Iola went home after that, and we headed back to the house. Lots of people were over, and Terry was celebrating with Linda in the kitchen for her birthday. As they occupied the kitchen area, I went upstairs and re-organized/re-modelled the room with Kevin. The kitchen eventually became vacant, so I cooked dinner. The green beans were way too spicy for my liking. Ahhh! Sucks to my cruddy non-existent spicy tolerance. The beans were also too "squeaky" for Brian. LOL! Apparently the Chinese long green beans squeak when you chew them?! We also had pork with pickled cabbage, and garlic nappa. I eventually went home, and didn't sleep til 7:00 a.m................

I didn't wake up til 1:00 p.m. or so on Saturday. All plans got pushed back by roughly 2 hours. I showered, Karen ironed, I did the dishes, Kev arrived...and we finally headed out. First stop was Fairview Library. Karen picked up a bunch of reserved stuff...again. Then we hit up BV GAP, and I picked up my very last schedule and paycheque. Said some goodbyes to people and such.....but forgot to post up a note in the lunchroom. Oh well. Maybe I can do that sometime later on. We then headed to Yorkdale to do some more GAP shopping. Karen picked up a bag, and Kev picked up two more polo shirts. We then went to PJ's, where Karen bought me a heater (for the fishies!) as a SUPER late Christmas present. I also picked up a thermometer, and a heater guard, and those crazy magnetic algae cleaners. We then hit up Highland Farms on Dufferin to get some chicken for well as some Camomile tea for Karen. Next stop was Noodle Delight, to grab food for Kent and Sopheak. We finally went back to the house to start dinner, settle down, etc. As dinner cooked, we had the meeting, which seemed to go on forever. It was redundant and consisted of the same stuff as every other meeting we've had in the past. Honestly, it was getting so frustrating to the point that I wanted to get up and just leave. It finally finished, and I went upstairs to spazz about it with Jo and Karen. I got dropped off at GoForTea but was really in no mood to talk to people. That changed eventually though. Bubbletea was too busy, so instead we went to the Chinese dessert place at FMP. We were supposed to hit up Demetrie's after that, but decided on wings instead. After wings, we headed back to Christine's to chill for a bit. I got in around 2:30, and started to set up the heater in my fishtank. I fell asleep sometime..............around......3 something? 4 something? I can't remember. I just know that I dozed off sitting there watching my fish.

Today (Sunday) has been a pretty pissant day as well. I'm sort of bumming around the house, Joe is being a jackass, Karen's not home, and there's a load of stuff that I ought to do but haven't done yet. I probably should get to it now. The laundry isn't going to clean itself.


Blogger Kevin said...

Dont worry, i would have had your back if those Hak yun would have tried anything. And food basics was NOT ghetto, they had some good prices, like 1.50 for 5lbs bags of carrots and onions :D

Tuesday, March 01, 2005 2:02:00 AM


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