Checking in
I haven't disappeared off the face of this Earth....not quite yet, anyway. It has indeed been a while since I last posted, and I'm frankly not about to write something substantial now. I don't have anything particularly interesting to talk about - merely wanted to drop in and say hi, that I'm still alive...and yea.
Some changes and such have occurred since my last entry...such as:
- I have begun my physio treatments for my recurrent dislocations to the left shoulder;
- no longer at the Symphony, which turned out for the better;
- I think I owned my French midterm - booyah! ;
- I've got a new computer, after HOW many years?!?!?
Umm, that's all I can think of for now. When I have the new system hooked up, and lots of pictures on my HD, I'll write an entry with photos.
In the next little while, I'll be:
- completing my physio treatment;
- possibly going back to Gap;
- tying up loose ends;
- SOTF/UW weekend for Nov.18/19/20;
- YUBC Fall tourny on Nov.26.
Hope you're all doing fine and in good health and spirits. I'll be back.