So you see...
A few things that are on my mind that need to escape:
- Now you know first-hand what it's all about. All those times that I've complained and b'itched about it. You've seen it. You know what it does to me. It eats me up inside. I think you are now amongst one of the very few who have heard me at my lowest. It's different though this time. You were there. Hopefully it gave you a more clear idea of what I really grieve over. It's different when you're actually there, eh? It's quite ironic how it always stems from the same issue(s). Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for having been there. Thank you for sticking around. After walking out of that room, you made it 10 million times easier for me.....just by being there. I feel somewhat silly for letting those things get to me. I mean, it's not the first time this has happpened...I can tell you that much. I don't even know why I let it get to me. I suppose it's because I'm weak like any other being. The sheer hurt, if anything, was overwhelming. I tried to hold strong through most of it. By the end of it though, tears started to stream down uncontrollably. I tried to fight them, but words are powerful, I guess. Yea, it did hurt. Maybe tears didn't express it all too well...but deep down, it hurts just as much as it did the last time this happened. I wish I could just not care. Either way, it means a lot that you were there afterwards. I couldn't begin to really express everything on my mind right now. More than words. It's racing at a million miles per hour, and at the same time I feel like an emotionless lump. I feel numb. Nonetheless, that doesn't go to say that I don't truly and meaningfully say this: Thank You.
- I have a reason to hold to for my actions now. He was right to say that you're hard to figure out. You're like an enigma of mixed messages. Whether you do it consciously or without knowing, people get hurt. People have feelings. Not everything is a game in life. You know the kind of person you're dealing with. Beyond the seemingly strong exterior, you know the fragility that lies beneath. I'm drawing the line. Goodbye. I'm outta here.
- I'm going to leave off on two notes:
"Who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time...
And who can say if your love grows
As your heart chose, only time..."
"What it meant to me / will eventually / be a memory / of a time when I tried so hard...
And got so far.
But in the end...
It doesn't even matter."