stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Friday, May 26, 2006

Good laughs

Thanks to Mish for this funny bit.

It's a pretty long video (15 minutes), so be patient.

If it won't load, go to and search for "Yellow Fever".

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"...cuz it's You and Me and all other people....."


Guess who's going to see Lifehouse at the Kool Haus on June 14th?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Unsatisfactory munchies

I've been laying off of the potato chips for quite some time now. Strolling through the supermarket aisles, I would actually find myself grabbing a bag or two off the shelves, taking them home, and then not touching them.

I was at T&T the other day and it happened to be just before dinnertime...hence I was famished. Passing the chip aisle, I couldn't help but be curious about all those crazy Asian flavours. I mean, you have the normalcy of ketchup, BBQ, all-dressed, sour cream and onion, etc. When you go to an Asian market though, there's seaweed, and curry, and wasabi, and spicy chicken, and the list goes on!!

Two flavours caught my eye; pizza and gyoza - the latter being a Japanese dumpling.

Well, I finally tried both of them tonight (yep, I actually BOUGHT the chips and ended up EATING them!). WHAT A LETDOWN THEY WERE!

The pizza chips just smelled....well, funky. They were supposed to be flavoured with gouda cheese, cheddar cheese, and....I think....pepperoni-like stuff? I dunno. It was just weird and made me super thirsty. You can always count on the MSG in there, I guess.

The gyoza chips smelled pretty good, I must admit. They didn't taste like anything in particular though...especially not pan-fried dumplings. They had a slight bite to them...and again, more saltiness.

The worst part of it all? They were both SUPER dinky bags (not that I would've wanted to eat more anyway), AND they cost $1.99 each. What a rip.

I'm going back to my good ol' Ketchup Lay's and Humpty Dumpty Onion Rings...if I ever get around to consuming them.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Farewell after 5 years... my Nautica glasses. They finally broke after being smashed by a basketball, slept on, forced through everyday wear, etc.

Hence I was forced to wear my fairly old pair of contacts last week. I couldn't recall when I had opened them. They'd just been sitting in their case for some time. I was somewhat reluctant to stick these things into my eyes. Then again, I had no other choice. I wouldn't be able to read anything if I didn't. Out of desperation I quickly called the optometrist's office and ordered a new 3-month set. Given my luck, of course (stupid Murphy's law!), they didn't have my Acuvue Advances. Instead, I had the option of downgrading, or to upgrade to some new Acuvue Oasys lens. Great. I just had to spend more money.

Funny thing is that my eye check-up is due in about one week's time. Now I'll have to get new glasses. How about some goggles? :)