Can you say F-I-A-S-C-O with me?
I came into this week hoping that it would be better than the last. Y'know, hoping that this week would bring me better days...less stressful days...or at least a chance to see Zin for more than 5 minutes???? Heh, I hoped wrong.
Initially, I'd intended on going to bed about THREE hours ago, but yet again here I am. It's 6:00 a.m. and I'm up blogging. My mind's in this slump of dullness and stress combined, which results in a cocktail of insane in membrane. So yes, getting back to my "I was supposed to sleep at 3:00 a.m." story. My mom came down to the basement to ask me to go upstairs and see my brother. He'd come down with something, but I didn't think it was that bad. Then my mom gives me the update. He's thrown up 4 times, and gone to the washroom one too many times. We were considering on taking him to the hospital. He has finally drifted off I hope he's feeling better.
Tomorrow, or more like today, I had hoped to go to campus at a reasonable hour (i.e. sometime before 3 p.m.) and photocopy Ecology notes at the Steacie Library. Next I would've hit up the Scott Library to study up on the 4th floor with Mish and Carlos. I was also supposed to bring some DVD's for Carlos to burn for me. I doubt any of that is going to happen though. My dad came downstairs (i.e. to here in the basement) about an hour ago to ask me what I would be doing today and where I had to go. I told him that I just planned to go to campus to study. He asked that I stay home and look after Joe instead, and possibly help out my mom. Now I'm not going to get ANY studying done. Well, not much at least. I can't study at home. It's just something about...home. It's quiet...but it's not the same kind of quiet as in the library. Okay, now I just sound crazy...
Wanna hear the most insane thing that happened today (or, I mean, yesterday...)? I bussed to campus and arrived around 5:30 p.m. or so. Why so late? Well, I'd woken up at 4 p.m. Eep...yes. Don't ask. :S Anyway, off to Steacie I went in hopes of taking out the Ecology reserves binder and photocopying some notes. I mean, the exam WAS going to be tomorrow, so I REALLY should consider getting the last few pages of notes, NO? It turns out that I just missed it; the binder had been signed out again at 5:17 and was due back in 2 hours. Crud it! So here I am, standing in Steacie, wondering what I should do while waiting on the binder. Finally I decided to hop onto a computer and verify the exam location and time. Upon loading up the December exam schedule's webpage, my jaw dropped and I just gawked at the monitor in disbelief. "Friday, December 17th, 2004.", it read. What on EARTH?!! I swear that when I slapped my exam schedule onto an Excel spreadsheet the York site said "Tuesday, December 11th, 2004." I proceeded to check the page with the courses that had revised exam schedules/information, entirely convinced that it must've been altered. Guess what? Nopes. Seemingly, the original date was the 17th, is the 17th, and wil always BE the 17th. Like, HOW did that happen?! Here I was thinking that I would have to write an exam the following day, only to discover that it was in fact in 5 days?! That definitely sent a wave of panic and hysteria through me. Not cool.
A lot of other stuff has been happening lately too, ranging from my own dilemmas to those of friends and others that I care and worry about. So yea, the stress is sort of just piling into a nice unmanageable heap. My last final is on the 21st - my Animals lab exam. Six-hour exam, with dissection and all. It really is only one week away. One week exactly, actually. It seems so close, and yet SOOOOOOOO incredibly far.
Anyway, it's going to be 7:00 a.m. soon. I really should get some sleep. I'll end off with this...just as a little reminder for myself.
- I don't hope so. I know so.
Tuesday December 11th, 2004. That day sounds a little funky to me. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Wednesday, December 15, 2004 1:52:00 AM
Glad to hear that you're still alive and popping by my page!!!
Yea, I know. At least this time it isn't the other way around - i.e.) this past summer!!!! Oh man. I was flippin' out like one has never flipped before!
Correction: I meant to write "Tuesday, December 14th, 2004." Great. An error on top of an error. I'm retarded, I swear.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004 2:06:00 AM
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