stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Friday, November 12, 2004


Man, it has been quite a sh*tty week if there ever was one. I've just been so stressed out with, well, almost everything.

Guides - With Cathie's husband having had a heart attack recently, she did not attend this week's meeting. Instead, Karen Baksi came to help us out for enrolment. It was somewhat scary to hear Gail ponder the idea that Cathie may not be all here this year. Apparently this happened last year after Julie's parents passed away. She was sort of in this spaced-out kind of state for the rest of the year. She'd forget to do things, or not really care, and such. Oh joy. This is going to be a fun ride...

Ecology - The labs are getting to be pretty aggravatingly annoying. This past Tuesday, Labs 3-5 were due as one report. They were supposed to be condensed and submitted together. I didn't start it until Tuesday evening, and I was totally exhausted. I eventually gave up around 2:30 and just went to bed. I decided to use my one-week-extension-coupon for the course on this one particular lab. It was probably a bad idea, seeing as how I have a research essay due this coming Wednesday. It'd probably be much wiser to use it on that. D'oh...

Women's Studies - Ah, the course that I commonly refer to as WMST on the dondon blog. Anyway, so I haven't been to this class for about 3 weeks now. Maybe more? It's a bad habit, but Wednesday is really the only day of the week that I really enjoy. My weekdays are always spent.....rushing. That's the first word that comes to mind, and it fits quite appropriately. My weekends are spent working and....well, more rushing. So yea, I have a research paper due for WMST this coming Wednesday as well. Yep, you got that right. It's due on the same day as the Ecology research paper. Lovely, ain't it? I had decided that this week, I shall go to class. Guess what happens early Wednesday afternoon? My cellphone rings while I'm at Kev's place, and it's none other than my mom. She was calling to inform me that the WMST department had called my house to tell me that class was cancelled for the evening; my professor had fallen ill. Of all frickin' bloody nights for her to get sick, it just had to be THIS Wednesday. Awesome. Just super. I really shouldn't be b*tchin' about this though. I mean, it's my own fault for missing WMST all these past weeks. Then again, I'm also glad I did. I wouldn't trade it for anything...

Biochem - Even with the few classes that I have been to for this course, I know that my prof is a flake. Not only did I realize it, but Mish, as well as some other students in my class, have too. I just really don't appreciate how he's so random. He doesn't follow the textbook. More than half the time, he likes to jump from one subject to another - none of which have any relation to the previous one taught. It's just so frustrating to think of how we're all getting screwed over...

Animals - This is just about the one and onl course that I'm actually enjoying right now. If it weren't so early, I would definitely go more often. Even as a child, I'd always had this keen interest towards animals and wildlife. I would spend hours sitting in front of the TV watching The Discovery Channel, or I would read through volumes of National Geographic. Anyway, if this course didn't involve so much ridiculous memorization of insane terms, I'd be a bit happier. Oh well. Overall, it's still a decent course. I've also got a wicked prof. He's this Scottish man with a ridiculously cool accent...and he tells us about how he worked in a marine biology lab in Asia...and how he's been to Hong Kong and loves the seafood there. Ah, what a cool guy.

Chemistry - I loathe thee. Enough said.

Badminton - I'm so very frustrated with my game. It's been so terrible these past two weeks or so. It's just aggravating when you can't figure out why you're not playing how you "normally" do...time and time again. It's not even the case of having a "bad day" or whatnot anymore. Initially I'd assumed that it was due to lack of sleep. Nopes, that wasn't it. I'm not about to go blaming the racquet, or the grip, or whatever. I've just been stuck in a shotty rut.

Working at the Ga-y - So Kathy left me not long ago. Now Ron has confirmed his resignation and won't be around for much longer. Work is starting to become a real drag. I wish I could relax on my weekends. I wish I didn't have to go in and service other customers for the crap pay that I get. I wish I didnt have to work. I'd rather not work than have my cellphone and those other luxuries. Then again, I know that I'll be stuck working for quite some time. Heck, that's the reality of it all...

Friends - It's been good, but there has been a share of bad. I wish I could make some individuals feel better, and I wish I could just tell some to screw off and get lost. You meet so many people throughout life...many of them being pleasant individuals, but there are those who are not so much. That's not my main point though. I've watched a few of my friends suffering this past while....months, weeks, days? Death, break-ups, loneliness, hardships....and there really isn't anything I can do but try and be there. I feel so utterly helpless....

Fear of the future - I spent about two hours earlier tonight at Second Cup chatting with Michelle over hot chocolate. I feel like I'm stuck. What am I going to do? What shall I do? What am I supposed to do? Prevalent, and yet answer-less, questions that have been floating around for what seems to be an eternity now. I don't think I'm going to elaborate a lot on this one. There's far too much to say.

There are a few things that still keep me going right now onward I will trudge.


Blogger Thu - main said...

I agree Donna, keep on trucking! ^__^

Are you still planning to go the teaching route? You could do it consecutive, no? Then you could lighten your school load (which would reduce tuition & stress), and then just finish your degree in an additional year. I think the consecutive route might not require you to have a full courseload each term.

Friday, November 12, 2004 1:01:00 PM

Blogger Denise said...

hey babes,
totally know what you mean in regards of the working aspect. I've had a pt job since i was 14!!!
Anyway, I have a point place is goign to be hiring for PT workers soon, lemme know if you'd be interested. I have a feeling the pay is better and the environment is great. Most of the time anyway;)
I'll check ya later.
Hope you feel better soon=)

Saturday, November 13, 2004 8:22:00 AM

Blogger Donna said...

Yea...keep on truckin'.
That's about ALL I can do right about now anyway. >__<*

I'm still going the teaching route, yes, and it'll definitely be with the consecutive program. My schedule just wouldn't allow for concurrent and placements at schools throughout the week; with work, volunteering, and badminton. Nopes, it just ain't gonna happen like THAT. =S

Seriously?! They're hiring?! Let me know, PLEASE! If the pay is better, and the job is fairly stable, I would TOTALLY consider it. Message me on MSN!

Monday, November 15, 2004 3:39:00 PM

Blogger Donna said...

Okay, so I had replied to your comments once already, but it didn't show. Grr!

Yea...keep on truckin'.
That's about ALL I can do right about now.

Yep, I'm still planning on take the teaching route. I've been thinking a lot about other options lately, but I don't have the time to do some hunting. So, teaching it is...for now, and Consecutive is definitely the way I'm going to go about doing it. Concurrent just wouldn't work for me right now - with work, volunteering, and badminton. My schedule just would not allow for the weekly placement in a classroom. I'm going to try to look into OISE at UofT; apparently it's a 2-year program that allows you to do your B.Ed. AND get your Masters done.

WOW, are you serious?! If they're hiring, I'm listening! Anything to get away from the Ga-y! Message me on MSN and lemme know! Thanks, Coach!

Monday, November 15, 2004 3:45:00 PM

Blogger Donna said...

Alright, and now I apparently can't delete comments anymore?

So yea, you can now read two variations of the same reply to your comments, 2 & denise.
D'oh. =S

Monday, November 15, 2004 3:49:00 PM

Blogger Kevin said...

Lol don't you love it when everything works so well? Like commenting. Don't worry dondon, we are here for you :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:54:00 AM


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