stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Monday, August 22, 2005


Wow, the temperature is dipping here in Toronto. After Friday's crazy storm that caused major flooding in many parts of the city, it was an overcast and dreary day on Saturday. Nonetheless, the rain held out and Grace's BBQ was oodles of fun. Another bonus - that I didn't get in trouble for getting home at 2 a.m. My mom knew that I got in late, but I don't think she knew exactly how late. Hee-hee!

Anyway, the weather yesterday was pretty nice. It was pretty toasty in the car during the afternoon, mainly because the sun was out. There was still a cool breeze blowing though. In the evening, after dinner around 10 p.m., it had definitely cooled down. I was standing in my driveway with Joe as we talked to the cool dog-walking lady in my neighbourhood and I got goosebumps!

Speaking of the dog-walking lady - I've been meaning to write a short post about her for quite some time now but I seem to have forgotten each time. Anyway, she's a small Indian lady. Well, at least I think she's Indian. She's not much taller than I am. Every day, whether it be during the daytime or in the evening, I see her crisscrossing through my neighbourhood's adjacent streets as she speed-walks with her dogs by her side. She's got two big golden retrievers. The elder's name is Trevor (11 years old), and then there's Klondike (5 years). Joe and my mom have chatted with her on numerous occasions before as she walks past our house. I normally only see her while sitting in the car. Last night though, she stopped to talk and tell us about the knee-deep flooding that occurred at her place on Friday. She said that the same thing happened roughly 5 years ago. Poor lady. What a mess she has to deal with.

I woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed. It was so warm and comfy beneath the covers. I finally dragged my butt out of bed after having hit the Snooze button far too many times. I took a nice warm shower and got ready for work. I turned on 680 News to hear the weather forecast before heading out - it was 16 Celsius!! That's definitely cool for August in Toronto. Anyway, I'm sitting in the office with a hoodie on now. Before you know it, it'll be time to break out the winter jacket! Pretty, pretty, snow! Yes, it'll be bitterly cold. Yes, it sucks to shovel snow. Yet, there's something about snow....around Christmas-time....that really sets the mood. Okay, now I really want to watch "Serendipity" again. For those who have seen it, you should know what I'm referring to. Well, that's all for now.

P.S. I had McDonald's for lunch and now it's sitting in me. I should have gotten quiche or something instead......


Blogger Kevin said...

bad dondon, McD's again LOL

Quiche is a funny word

Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:39:00 AM


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