stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The wait begins

It feels as though, for the next little while, I'm going to have to try my best to keep busy. To keep my mind off of a certain something. Or, try, a certain someone. I know, I know. It's not a long time, but it just feels as if a void is going to be there for 21 days. The world will still turn, the clock will still tick, and life will move it always did and always will.

The somewhat logical part of me (that seems to function on the whole.........usually....) knows and is perfectly aware of the fact that it's not THAT long....and that it's obviously not an eternity. That doesn't go to say that I shouldn't be allowed to feel bummed out though.

So, as I was saying, for the next little while, I'm going to try to keep busy. Not that I don't normally keep busy, I think? I don't know. It just feels like I now have to purposefully and deliberately plan things, as opposed to just......being? Anyway, I'm going to want to meet up with friends, high school buddies especially....that I don't get to see very often during the school year, and do some much-needed catching up. I'll toss some softballs around, hit up the courts and bat the bird around a bit, and possibly even make use of my fitness centre shoetag for Tait. Oh, and let' not forget spending time at home to be with family so that I'm not spazzed at too often for not being home enough. *rolls eyes*

Anyway, with that said....

I miss you....
Yes, already.


Blogger Denise said...

Aww, I miss you too...:)
Sorry I just had to.

Softball baby, softball works like a CHARM :D

Sunday, May 22, 2005 3:37:00 PM

Blogger Donna said...

Heh, yea I can understand how you'd be tempted.

Yep. That's why I'll be there Tuesday. ;)

Monday, May 23, 2005 1:23:00 AM


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