stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Monday, December 27, 2004

When all options are exhausted...

How far will you go to make an exception?

This exception may likely defy the values that you live by. It may cause you to question why you faltered when pressured.

I feel like I keep on having to overlook it all. I mean, it bothers me so much. The mere mentioning of it upsets me. I really don't deny that. It sidetracks any sort of bright mood I may have been feeling. It seriously works like a charm. Maybe because I've been exposed to or informed of so many detrimental and negative effects that this may have.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that this constant overlooking of such is building up. It just feels like most, if not all, options and attempts to right this matter have been exhausted. When "all else fails", what should one do? The first befitting phrase that comes to mind is "give up". However, I wouldn't quite associate the more common and negative connotation to my definition of "giving up". I did not simply decide to not try and lose hope. I tried, and it just felt that I had no other choice. Actually, I can't say that I have truly given up. I just...want hopes that it'll make things better?...if that makes any sense.

Please, no one ask me about what I'm talking about. It's nothing personal. I just needed to vent and rant a bit, but would prefer if nobody asked me about this matter. I don't quite feel like talking about it....


Blogger Kevin said...

wow, that was very confusing..... :S

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 9:20:00 PM


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