Suffering in silence
What's your take on this? Do you believe that it's better to not say something if it could potentially shake up a friendship? Do you believe that it's worth it in the end? Is it not better for you to suffer alone than to affect others and drag them into a predicament?
Sure, it may possibly be bothering you during every waking moment that you aren't concentrating on something...and trust me - I have plenty of those. Sitting on the bus. Walking around campus. While eating lunch. Folding clothes. During breaks. After 2a.m. when my Internet gets cut out. The list is too long to complete here.
However, how would it give you the right to impose such a burden on others when you know full well in advance what the repercussions and consequences of said actions are? Do you have any right to cause another's world to come crashing down before them? You know the feeling and the pain involved, so why would you want to inflict this on another being? Let alone a friend, or a best friend even?
Consider this. In order to relieve yourself of your misery and constant depression/sadness, you need to express or say something. However, your act of making such information known could potentially dig up once-forgiven, or once-forgotten, events of the past. Of course, such happenings weren't quite positive ones, if you get my drift. In any case, what ends up happening? You either screw up someone else's life, or you mess yours up even more. So, in turn, you really don't do anything to help yourself. In getting something out of your system, you create a whole new predicament for yourself. They're called "consequences". Oh, the joys of life.
I mean, you can't always have your way, right? I for one can attest to that...
I can't win. I should learn to accept that...
Hey Donna,
I say fuck it all! Honesty is key. If the relationship was worth anything to start with, then the two parties involved will make the effort to get through anything and everything. No regrets! Just make sure the issue is important enough to you. Sometimes it's just a lot of lil' things that build up and turn something bleh into something woah. =D
Saturday, July 31, 2004 11:25:00 AM
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