stones taught me to fly
love, it taught me to lie
life taught me to die
so it's not hard to fall
when you float like a cannonball

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I never knew...

SO many people at work watch the same shows as I do! Smallville, The O.C., ER...just to name a few. Time flew by last night while we were processing shipment when we started on this topic.

Other highlights that made the painfully long night more bearable included dancing to 'N Sync's first CD, sleeping on merchandise, gorging on Cadbury Mini Eggs/ketchup Lay's/crab and shrimp sushi/popsicles and other random food. Tons of snacks were brought for the potluck thingy!

I did manage to cut my hand though. That sucked royally. Now I can't open up my entire left hand. Luckily I'm not a south paw.

Many people left early throughout the night. As our numbers diminished, a certain manager grew increasingly anal and started to be her usual self again (a.k.a. a self-admittedly "queen biatch").

Elliott was kind enough to drive me home after work. I was trying so hard not to pass out during the ride. I collapsed into bed around 7:20; hungry and absolutely exhausted.

I had something to post about earlier, but now I've forgotten. Maybe it'll come back to me later. As for now, I best get my butt moving and go study. Test tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. - the last item on the agenda for this week. Well, aside from work later in the evening from 7:45-11. It's also Iola's birthday tomorrow! Sucks that she's in Waterloo.

Sauble Beach trip is inching closer by the day!


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